Nike SB Blazer - Aquamarine/Electrolime- October 09 Release For those of you who know the brand Nike SB, probably or should know by now that Nike SB seems like they stopped making puffy tongues on the low dunks =[! WHICH REALLY PISSES ME OFF! lol. Nike SB have been making puffy tongues on the low dunks for YEARS, and all of a sudden im startin to see pics of the new dunk SB's and hearing rumors that Nike SB has stopped making puffy tongues on the low dunks =[[[. NOWWW, im not into Nike SB shoes that much anymore... well, the NEW ones lol. The old time ones are the bomb haha XD!
ya blog is dope.imma follow plz do the same
These pics are DOPE I want them Lol
Check my blog out if you would not mind?
DUDE THESE ARE dope i need these
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