Friday, October 30, 2009
Yeah I'm out that Brooklyn
FINALLY, i love this song, was waiting for the video. This is like NY's theme song haha. I been listening to this song everyday at least one time since i heard it!
Take the Pain Away
Love this new song by Game. THIS is what i call real music, not about "bitches, hoes, killin people, etc.", just expressing what he's feeling right now. This is the type of jam id like to listen every hard time im goin through. Shit, this join is so hot to me, i might even put it as my next blog song haha. Hope this is on Game's new album "The R.E.D. Album" coming December 8th. Ill throw in the download link for you guys on this same post later if i can find one, ill put it at the bottom. Oh, just incase yall are wondering why im saying "Game" instead of "The Game", he changed his name to just "Game"... dropped "The" lol. Heres the video where he talks about it...
So yea, cant wait. I know i havent posted in like A WEEK guys! But I been kinda busy lately, my practice officialy started this week, so i dont get home till 6. And i had to do a project so thats another problem. Just tryna fit some room in there for my blog. Ill try to keep up more. Hope everyone still likes the blog. Be safe tomorrow for HALLOWEEN, i am definitely gonna have a blast, no doubt. Aight everyone, be safe, have fun, peace.
Im Not Sick, Im Ill
Friday, October 23, 2009
Cold As a Winter's Day

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Flashing Lights
Watsup everyone, i know this is gonna sound funny... I didnt even watch this short film yet!, but im gonna right now! lol. I just posted it first to see what you guys think, andddd i just couldnt wait to make a new post haha.
UPDATE 10/23
Ok so I just watched the film and... WTF was it about? lol. Like.. what was the genre? If it was comedy, I can only point out 2 parts; the first 4 minutes haha, and the part where he's puking fake blood. If the was film was supposed to say something was destroying him, then ok, goodjob in my opinion lol. But anyways, it was worth watching. I was tryna watch it this whole week but i was too busy with practice and school and stressin over grades... lets just say my calendar was full lol. Nice film, to those of you who havent watched, watch. Not EXCELLENT but, not bad. Peace.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Changed My World

Magic Mouse — with its low-profile design and seamless top shell — is so sleek and dramatically different, it brings a whole new feel to the way you get around on your Mac. The Multi-Touch area covers the top surface of Magic Mouse, and the mouse itself is the button. Scroll in any direction with one finger, swipe through web pages and photos with two, and click and double-click anywhere. Inside Magic Mouse is a chip that tells it exactly what you want to do. Which means Magic Mouse won’t confuse a scroll with a swipe. It even knows when you’re just resting your hand on it.
Magic Mouse uses powerful laser tracking that’s far more sensitive and responsive on more surfaces than traditional optical tracking. That means it tracks with precision on nearly every surface — whether it’s a table at your favorite cafe or the desk in your home office — without the need for a mousepad.
Magic Mouse retails for only $69 USD with further information now available through Apple.Via: Hypebeast
This s*** looks AMAZING! I NEED one, but with the looks of my grades thats gonna be on my report card, doesnt look like ill be getting even a new laptop :'[! But my GPA is still alright :] lol.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Quick Flashback

Continuing, my day was good. Along with my weekend, went to a carwash Saturday morning for my schools wrestling team - i play wrestling AND soccer lol. Damn, i shouldve taken pics.. but my friends mightve thot i was wierd so forget it lol. I WITNESSED MY FIRST CAR ACCIDENT XD SMOKE AND EVERYTHING!! lol. It was intense. Hope itll never happen to me though haha. How was everyones weekend? School... going good? OKKK, ima stop now and go do my homework lol.
One last thing, remember my AIM is pj4lyfe618. If you have a twitter page, follow me and ill follow you back lol. CLICK HERE FOR MY TWITTER PAGE! And ONE MORE LAST THING, does my new song sound good to yall? Sounds good to me :] haha.
Hope everyones good. See yall on my next post lol, PEACE!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Girls All Around the World

Gotta get ready, hope everyones doing good in school! Peace.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
The old version came out a couple days ago with Lil Jon on it, but this is now the final version with Sean Paul only. Love the song. Dont know too much bout Jay Sean... but from what I'm hearing with his new singles, cant wait for his debut album All or Nothing to drop in the U.S. on November 24th. And sorry but, idk why i've been doing so many posts related to music lately? haha. Oh well.
Heres the download link just incase you guys are too cheap to purchase it when it hits iTunes lol. PEACE!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Just thot i'd do something simple today, cus I'm goin away for the weekend. With that said, this new video and song from Gucci Mane is my type of song (:! lol. I like the beat too. But anyways ummmm, yea.. NICE SONG!! lol. So wont be able to post for 2 days.. be back Monday. Hows everyone? Random question, but whatever haha. Hope you enjoy the blog. Peace.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
LG... Life's Good
I LITERALLY just heard this song, and i LOVE IT! I mean cmon, how can you NOT? So mellow, so relaxing, not hardcore, not too corny, just perfect! lol. This is Q-Tip's latest video premiere off of his recent 2008 album, The Renaissance. It's just Q-Tip's second album, but GREAT ALBUM, especially coming back after calling it quits nearly 10 years ago! Anyways, check out the vid! Just might change it to my blog song haha XD.
Before you leave, please make sure to follow my blog! haha. Peace.